2011 Continental Judo Crown Tournament
The 2011 Continental Judo Crown Tournament will be held on Saturday, November 5, 2011 in Seattle, Washington. Contl_Crown_Nov2011 Final v1 Register online at: http://www.continentalcrown.com/home.html
The 2011 Continental Judo Crown Tournament will be held on Saturday, November 5, 2011 in Seattle, Washington. Contl_Crown_Nov2011 Final v1 Register online at: http://www.continentalcrown.com/home.html
Open World Championships, Tyumen This weekend follow live streaming on www.ippon.tv! Women: 29th October Men: 30th October Start at 11:00 local time = 07:00 CET and Final Block 17:00 local time = 13:00 CET http://www.ippon.tv/ www.ippon.tv
The 2011 Sakuma Invitational Judo Tournament will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2011 at Burlington Edison High School in Burlington, Washington. SAKUMA_INVITATIONAL_2011
British Judo Association
Three new research abstracts published
Ryan Birch Seminar Former Olympian and European Champion Location: Armitage Centre, Manchester Date: 14/11/2011 Time: 7:00 PM Entry fee £10
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